Refund/Cancellation Policy believes in helping its customers as far as possible and has, therefore, a liberal cancellation policy. This is not applicable to our International buyers.

How do I cancel an order on

If unfortunately, you have to cancel an order, please do so within 24 hours of placing the order.  You can call us at +918850401678 and cancel the order over the phone or send us a message or a whats app.

Order cancellations should be made within 24 hours of placing an order. To cancel your order, you will have to contact our customer services by sending an email to or calling +918850401678 and mentioning your Order ID.

In case we receive a cancellation notice, but the order has already been processed/shipped by us, we will be unable to cancel the order. has complete rights to decide whether an order has been processed or not. The customer agrees not to dispute the decision made by and accepts its decision regarding the cancellation.

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